Hi Zack

so your post penetrated into debian planet... just wanted to ask if you know about http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=388 May be it will provide some additional useful features... it is indeed pathetic that there is no nice uniform way to keep addresses under mutt. emacs and its mailers can happily use bbdb, which is somewhat better...

abook (there is debian package) can be used with mutt but I don't use it for some reason...

--Yaroslav Halchenko

Damn!, no I was not aware of that and thanks for pointing me to it. But happily I can answer: yes, my script is more powerful.

For example the one you pointed me to works on a single word only so if you expand having the cursor on the "name" part of a "name surname" string (without double quotes) it will ignore the "surname" part giving answers that are more likely to be ambiguous.

Or even mine is capable of expanding contacts on multiple lines at once and works in various mode insert/visual/...
