svn-buildpackage + cowbuilder

It took me a bit to craft the appropriate alias for doing the final build of my svn maintained packages inside cowbuilder, so maybe others will find this useful:

alias svn-btc="svn-buildpackage --svn-builder='pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --buildresult .. --auto-debsign --debsign-k' --svn-lintian --svn-tag --svn-retag --svn-dont-clean"

whereas for the non-final build I use the usual:

alias svn-b="svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc --svn-ignore --svn-lintian --svn-dont-clean"

The probably cryptic trailing letters are: 'b' for "build", 't' for "tag", 'c' for cowbuilder.

Thanks to dancer for his tips on this ... and of course for cowdancer!

Update here is the full set of aliases I'm using nowadays:

alias svn-b="svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc --svn-ignore --svn-lintian --svn-dont-clean"
alias svn-bt="svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot --svn-lintian --svn-tag --svn-retag --svn-dont-clean"
alias svn-btc="svn-buildpackage --svn-builder='pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --buildresult .. --auto-debsign --debsign-k' --svn-lintian --svn-tag --svn-retag --svn-dont-clean"
alias svn-bc="svn-buildpackage --svn-builder='pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder --buildresult ..' --svn-ignore --svn-lintian --svn-dont-clean"

"-bt" avoids using cowbuilder (if you really need to :-) ), "-bc" uses cowbuilder but does not tag (sometimes you want to test the outcome of the cowbuilder build without tagging).