One month with Emacs and counting - Part 2
Other posts in the from Vim to Emacs series: part 1
A while ago I've blogged about my switch from Vim to
Emacs, promising a blog post series, quite a mouthful
nevertheless, it's time to continue the series. The first part was about why
I think that nowadays Emacs is ready to be
switching to. This second part is about flawed Vim design choices which
substantially contributed to my choice.
(Of course all this post is under a IMO-/rant-disclaimer, it can't be otherwise, so take it cum grano salis)
Flawed Vim design choices
Vim started as a wonderful editor, following the path of Vi, which in turn has got right a good deal of design choices. One is the often debated modality. In spite of being a HCI PITA in general, modality is not a problem at all for software you are using every single day (and the editor is the 2nd program I use the most, with the terminal being the 1st), because you learn it as a habit. In the case of Vim, modality is good because it let you use powerful yet simple motions in command mode, which can be easily combined with operator-pending commands.
This can be considered yet another incarnation of the UNIX philosophy,
casted inside the editor itself. ... which brings us to
the good old joke which describes Emacs as a great operating
system, lacking only a decent editor
. In fact, Vim
is no longer the nice Unix philosophy player which it used
to be, and Emacs plays much more nicely with external tools than
As arguments, let's consider a few (not so) recent Vim evolutions:
Spell checking. Starting with version 7, Vim has got support for on-the-fly spell-checking of text buffers. It is a super-nice feature, which I've advertised in the past, because spell checking is needed in many tasks we daily do with editors (mail/doc writing, code commenting), and having a single interface to do it comes handy.
Unfortunately, how that is implemented in Vim is definitely not along the lines of the UNIX philosophy. We have countless different FOOspell implementations whereas Vim implemented yet another one, without relying on any pre-existing implementation. Even more so, the file format of spell files is basically ad-hoc, and not sharable with other tools. This is already a PITA for packaging (let's add to Debian another 20 binary packages
), but is even worst than that: the spell files must be generated in ad-hoc ways which are seriously prone to failures (guess why in Debian we don't have yet thevim-spellfiles-FOO
packages which used to exist in experimental a long time ago?).What would have been the UNIX-friendly way of achieving the same result? Well, obviously spawning
and interact with its process from the editor. Keep that in mind. -
Internal grep. A feature of Vim I've always loved is :grep (yet another instance of quick-fixing, which is also used for jumping to compile-time errors). In its original incarnation it was as simple as invoking
and parse its output. KISS.Then, Vim started to have a problem:
grep -r
can take ages and in the meantime the editor was stuck. Hence, starting with Vim 7, vimgrep has born: an internal re-implementation of grep. OK, it is more portable (but how many of us do care? on how many system you use you are missing grep? damn, I used to install it also on Windoze!), and the editor retain control. Control that is exploited just to show a nice progress bar of what is being scanned ..., while the editor is still stuck.Well, to me it looks like the problem would have been solved much more nicely by adding the ability to interact with an external process (deja vu?). That process can then be
grep -r
. Full stop. -
Lack of debugging support (on purpose). Long standing missing feature of Vim: you can not "easily" drive a debugger from Vim, because a firm choice in Vim is to ... (OK, I confess, I'm starting to beat a dead horse) ... not have support for interaction with external processes.
I found such a choice quite dumb: to me it is evident that it induces a trade-off between being feature-complete wrt programmer needs (as available external tools get available to face those needs) and not "re-implementing the wheel" inside the editor.
Going back to the lack of debugging support in Vim, that has spawned projects like GdbVim, Clewn, Bram's Agide, and my own tiny teeny incarnation specific to
called WOWcamldebug. Every single project of that list acts as an intermediary between Vim and an external process (a debugger of some sort), whereas that could have been implemented by an editor plugin, provided that the editor offer, guess what, support for interaction with external processes. -
Top-level. Similar to the debugging support issue, there is the interpreter issue, namely how to evaluate "phrases" of your interpreted language of choice directly from the editor. Nowadays a lot of languages have the so called top-levels which evaluate language phrases interactively (Python, Ruby, OCaml, many Lisps, ...) and show evaluation results. That ability can speed up testing considerably, but can become cumbersome to use for large code snippets without editor support (good luck with copy and paste).
Yes, Vim has support for that, but the implementation choice is close to be ridicolous: only if you have linked Vim together the interpreted for a given language, then you will be able to interactive evaluate phrases of that language. What if you program in Python, Ruby, and Perl? Well, you need to link all of them. What if you also program in OCaml? Then you're screwed, because Vim currently does not support linking with it. (Yes, I know that there are other reasons for doing that linking, they are discussed below.)
Do I need to tell you which feature will be enough to address top-level support?
interaction with extern..OK, I'll drop it, you know that already.
Well, I acknowledge that Emacs got this choice right, and that
it's an important one: Emacs supports interaction with
external processes, and plugin authors have been happy to exploit
it to create really cool stuff (sticking to the UNIX philosophy).
Please welcome:
Flyspell, M-x
(shameless smartass plug: same number of keystroke
of :grep
Grand Unified Debugger, a sampling of
language-specific major modes with top-level support. (But I
recommend having a look at least once at the coolness of other
stuff built-on top of external process support, like Flymake, mentioned
by dancer not a long ago.)
Its own scripting language. I've bored you enough with the external process topic, hence here is the second one: the saga of Vim and its scripting language, i.e., the programming language using which you can customize the editor.
Note that the choice of scripting language impacts on 2 different targets: final users in need of fire and forget automations (when they start to get to complex to be implemented on top of, say, macros), and developer of editor extensions such as addons.
The impact of scripting language on extension developer is crucial for the evolution of an editor aiming at being powerful. If the scripting language and the API towards the editor is flexible enough, then a lot of cool extensions and features will be developed by third party authors, otherwise the burden stays on editor upstream author.
In its phase 1 (my term, Vim < 7.0) Vim pretended that it needed only a minimal scripting language (Vim script) and that everything else can be developed using external programming languages, linked in the editor. As a consequence Vim script was just a tiny teeny procedural language with editor interfacing capabilities, most notably lacking any "decent" data structures (no lists, no dictionaries, ...).
In that phase, if you were a user it was fair enough. You just had to chose your external programming language (at compile time ...), and you were able to write your quick hacks with it. But if you were willing to develop an extension you were screwed, because you had either to impose your external programming language to the final user (that is what gave born to absurdities like
, look at the deps!) or to enjoy a good deal of masochism to explode your 30 lines of Python extension into 200 lines of Vim script to make your Vim extension more "portable". -
In its phase 2 (Vim >= 7.0) it has been realized that something were wrong in the initial choices about Vim script, and data structures (lists, dictionaries, function references!) have been added to it, relieving a bit the pain of programming portable extensions.
Nevertheless, and probably due to how it started, Vim script is far from being a programming language one can enjoy programming in. Consider for example the standard library of the language. It started as a random collection of unrelated functions being added on a "as-needed" basis, ... and continued along that path! Now the API reference lists together totally unrelated functions, organized inconsistently, and making really painful finding what you need (assuming it exists).
Even in this respect, I acknowledge that Emacs got this right. It has chosen a single, now full-fledged, programming language (Elisp), which is offered both to the final user (fact: the average Emacs user knows much better how to program her own editor than the average Vim user) and to extensions developer. The standard library of the language is organized with a consistent naming (even though not always intuitive) and documented in an organized manner.
You might not like the language, but at least is has been taken seriously and managed as such. Finally, being a Lisp dialect, you might need what you learn with Elisp elsewhere. Vim script is too committing: it is useful only inside Vim. I believe that contributed significantly in its scarce diffusion among Vim users.
The fact that Elisp was born together with Emacs and that it is also used internally for the editor implementation is not relevant here: I do care about what is offered to me as an user and as an extension developer. What I see on the Emacs side in this respect is much better that what I see on the Vim side. Moreover, from the point of view of the users, is the difference between what is inside the editor and what is outside (i.e., the extensions) that relevant? I think it is not, and that brings me to the final Vim choice which I consider flawed and which has the potential of seriously limit its future evolutions:
Editor as a distribution. Emacs is managed as a intermediate software distribution layer, similarly to what happens in other softwares where many third party authors cooperates (e.g., TeXLive). The distribution architecture has advantages and contributes to the longevity and potentialities of a software project.
What does this mean concretely in the Vim vs Emacs dispute? For example it means that Emacs get more feature-complete each passing release, still preserving uniformity in documentation and keybindings. On the contrary Vim sports many addons, which are very likely to step on each other feet when enabled simultaneously. Actually, that is one of the reason which brought me to the creation of vim-addons: you cannot enable all the content of vim-scripts together due to various kind of conflicts. As we know well in Debian, distributions have a fundamental role in blending together lightly-coupled software components, that's role is missing in Vim evolutionary path and I find that worrisome.
Where to from here in this blog post series? For sure some tips on how to migrate for hard-core Vim users, then we'll see ...
If you did enjoy the read please let me know commenting in the discussion page (as you did in the last post, thanks!).