TurboGears 2 in debian ... soon !

After a long incubation, a few days ago TurboGears 2 has been released. Historically, I've been preferring TurboGears over Django for being closer to the open source philosophy of reusing existing components.

Since the long 2.0 release was marking a gap with Django, I was eager to test the 2.0, and I was delighted to find it in Debian. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be in good shape yet. In particular it lacks several dependencies before it can even be used to quickstart a project, in spite of its presence in unstable.

To give an idea of the needed work, after having installed it manually (via easy_install), my virgin /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ has been polluted by 26 egg-thingies. I decided to spend some week-end time to start closing the gap, because we cannot lack such an important web framework in Debian (and ... erm, yes, also because I need it :-) ).

Here is the current status of what has been ITP-ed / packaged already (by yours truly):

Where to

Considering, foolishly, the last package as being already done, the way to go is still long:

    zack@usha:~$ ls /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/|grep -v repoze.what

Possibly, some of them are already in Debian hidden somewhere, but sure there is still work to be done. If you want to help, you are more then welcome. The rules are simple: all packages will be maintained under the umbrella of the Python Modules Team, but you should be willing to take responsibility as the primary maintainer.

Please get in touch with if you are interested, as I'm in turn already in touch with some other very kind volunteers (thanks Enrico and Federico2!) to coordinate who-is-doing-what.

Preview packages available

What has already been packaged, including a temporary workaround for python-transaction, will be available in experimental after NEW processing. The idea is that nothing will go to unstable until TurboGears 2 will be (proven to be) fully functional.

In the meantime, packages are available from my personal APT repository (signed by my key), here are the friendly /etc/apt/sources.list :

    deb http://people.debian.org/~zack/debian zack-unstable/
    deb-src http://people.debian.org/~zack/debian zack-unstable/

Versions are tilde-friendly and shouldn't get in your way when the official packages will hit unstable.

Packaging multiple-egg / multiple-upstream packages

In all this, I've faced an interesting problem with the python-repoze.{who,what}-plugins packages. They correspond to a handful of plugins, each of which is about 20/30 Kb. I didn't consider appropriate to prepare 5 different packages, due to archive bloat potential. Hence, you get the usual problems of multiple-upstream packages.

To counter some of them, as well as some egg-specific packaging annoyances with multiple upstream, I wrote a couple of very simple helpers:

  • get-orig-source.mk (live version): a debian/rules snippet which relies on several debian/*.watch files which are fed to uscan to implement (not yet completely) the get-orig-source target described in policy

  • setup.py (live version): a multiplexer for sub-directories shipping distutils-enabled Python modules. That way you can use /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk as usual, and setup.py will take care of the "multiple upstream" problem at build time

I'm no Python-packaging-guru so, lazyweb, if you spot in this choice something I utterly overlooked, or if you have improvements to suggest, please let me know.

Repacking eggs

An interesting problem will be faced in trying to integrate the above approach with Python modules that are shipped only as .egg files (i.e., no tarballs, ... yes there are such horrifying things out there). To preserve uniformity, we would need uscan to support --repack ing of .egg files as they were simple .zip archives.

Since eggs are .zip archives ... why not?