RC squashing news

In the last two weeks I didn't progress as usual with RC bug squashing, even if I've some squashes to share:

The reason for my under-activity are that for a week I'd relatively scarce network connectivity, which is a badly needed good for RCBW. Then, this week, I got swamped by various tasks at the university (including co-authoring a paper with Lucas, more on this (hopefully) in the future).

My residual RCBW time has been devoted to write a page about RCBW where I've tried to summarize my initial motivations and the main points of the initiative, which I consider established by the first 18 weeks of activity. Starting from next week I'll be back with daily squashes. In the week-end ... drum roll ... I'll be attending the BSP in Mönchengladbach, hosted by Credativ; I'll personally be kindly hosted by bzed which I thank already for that and for the BSP organization.

See you there (!?)