This Week In Debian
I've been contacted by Jonathan Nadeau of Frostbite Systems, a company selling computer hardware with pre-installed GNU/Linux distros, including Debian (of course!). (Usual disclaimer applies: I haven't tried their products, I've just skimmed through their website ...) Both for promotion and as a service to the communities, Jonathan has started various podcasts, such as This Week in Fedora.
Jonathan has contacted me to check whether Debian is interested in having a This Week in Debian podcast, which will be discussing weekly Debian-related topics, interviewing at each episode someone from the community.
So, folks, are you interested in seeing that happen?
Personally I like the idea, as I'm myself an eager podcast listener
and I've always missed something Debian-specific.
To make it a reality however we need to plan and record some episode in advance, to ensure the podcast will have enough "buffer" to start. That's why I've created the ThisWeekInDebian wiki page, where interested people should drop a line, proposing a topic and volunteering to speak about it. Any Debian-related topic is a good candidate: a team, an initiative, a general discussion about a relevant project aspect, etc. You don't even need any particular upfront preparation, as it'll be interview-like. So, what are you waiting for? Drop a line to the wiki page.
Jonathan will attend DebConf10 so, in case you are attending, that can be a nice occasion to record some episode in person (otherwise recordings usually happen over the net).