It is not that I've missed DebConf10, I've totally been there (as some embarrassing video and photo evidence can prove ...).
Rather, I've just got back home and I already miss DebConf10, melancholy is in the air. It will probably stay around for a while and then leave room to a vivid memory of 2 weeks of Debian life, as strong as I've never experienced before.

So, before I become too sentimental, let me just thank everyone who has made the conference possible: the orga team, the video team, all the volunteers, the sponsors, the speakers, the attendees, and everyone else I couldn't possibly remember.

Specific kudos of mine goes to the Debian NYC cabal: DDs and non-DDs, new to our project and not-so-new. You guys made me remember what does living Debian mean, you guys made all this possible (emotions included!), you guys rock. Say whaaaaaat?